I Wish I had a Silly Owl
February 26, 2013I want a hug! Sorry there I go again... but it's true. I miss him so much and so easily. I honestly think I've gone completely crazy. ;P It's not an entirely bad thing. Missing him can hurt but being with him makes me feel on top of the world crazy! ;)
Lol ok about SLife... I haven't been doing much. I was just trying on skins I never took a picture of or worn for in ages! This is the Roza skin from Glam Affair. Isn't it pretty? I think it's the only Glam Affair skin I have. :O OMG I'm such a skin loser.
Also while I was at Mother Goose's, I spotted these little cuties! Aren't they adorable? I know many people in Second Life tend to role-play and it does look fun as long as they are enjoying themselves. I know kid avatars are sweet little things. I guess being a kid for them makes them feel carefree, innocent and joyful. Of course it's easy to dress up and role-play with all the different, unique and crazy creations made by other avatars! Although I don't think role-playing is my thing. Maybe an owl would be OK because I'm naturally an owl. :P My avatar is just me I guess. :) Sleepy, crazy me.
Gwaad niite!
Goodnight! :P
What I'm wearing:
(Not much)
Skin: Glam Affair - Roza - Summer 02
Eyes: IKON - Eternal in Brown
Hair: Truth - Fearne
Headband: Magic Nook - Snow Baby Headband