Procrastination Meme
March 20, 2013
Hello. Yay! Berry recently came up with another fantastic meme for us bloggers. :) I think these are really fun because it's always cool getting to know someone. Especially if you are curious like me then you know that you just got to know! I'm sleepy (omg it's just 7 pm!) but just awake enough to procrastinate. Haha, alright here are my ten answered questions! :D
What is the rez date for your current SL Avatar that you use most often? November 08, 2011. My first ever avatar and my current one. :)
Where was the first place you made friends as a newb and got to know people in Second Life? I don't really remember the first place I visited but they were probably freebie places because you know... I was a newbie. :D I think Free Dove was one of them. After that I went exploring different sims and meeting people. I am shy so I guess I didn't make friends right away. :P
Where do you spend most of your SL time now? Homeless... Wandering the streets of SL. Particularly Bubblez' place because I enjoy how I'm not very disrupted there.
Who is your closest friend in Second Life? (only pick one) OMG I don't know! I can't choose. I think Digi is the only one who brings the full madness out of me :P LOL.
What is the most favorite thing in your inventory? (only pick one) My owl Nox. We are bffs! ❤
The last thing you purchased in Second Life? Huit's: Skin fair 2013 gift (@The Skin Fair 2013)
What color clothing does your avatar wear most often? Red.
Do you prefer to walk, run or fly? For an owl I walk more than I fly. :P
What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done in SL? Errr listen to Digi? Man he is crazy. He has ran over me with his car, I've chucked him into an active volcano, I've tried feeding him to the Gods but they didn't like his smell so they didn't eat him. Well, at least the Gods spared our lives which made me relieved because all these disastrous storms and floods appeared when I was with Digi. :P And some other crazy silly things that I can't seem to think of at the moment. Too sleepy.
Who would you like to play YOU, in the movie of your SLife? Natalie Protman.
I hope you enjoyed that. I'm going to fly off but I'll be back... with my prey. :D
Yay for Natalie Portman! Thanks for sharing. <3