A D!va's coldLogic

February 22, 2013

A D!va's coldLogic 
Hey! Long time no see. I have stuff to show you to make you feel better, maybe that'll help me get better too. Do not worry, I'm getting better :)

Now let's start with hair. There's a group gift by D!va at Mimi's Choice. Once you join the Mimi's Choice group you can receive this Vivienne (Ruby-flower) hair which is limited time only so hurry to Mimi's Choice!

This dress from coldLogic has been shown for some time now but it's still available and adorable :P Once you join the coldLogic update group (by slapping the board). Go to History and choose the one that says: Feb 13, 13: coldLogic's Anniversary Celebration and your gift will be delivered to you.

Mother Goose's Lucky Board Skins

I've been exploring new skins lately because of my curiosity and determination to try different things and get out of my comfort zone. I think I'm doing well :) These skins are lucky board prizes at Mother Goose's. Many of their skins look young, sweet and youthful. Guess what? There is not just one wall but a few walls of lucky board skin prizes at Mother Goose's! *o* Of course it's all free, no need to join any group. I'm only showing you about less than a quarter of the lucky board prizes!  

Roses are Red

I really love these Rosa Rosa earrings by Bliensen + MaiTai (Sorry some of my hair is covering it :P). These are $10L and is featured at the Cart Sale! Many items by SL designers are featured at the Cart Sale! Nothing over $10L :D I love these earrings not only because they are red (my favourite colour) and because I love red roses. It's because I have something very similar to it in RL. Given to me by someone special :) 

Bye bye for now everyone. Hope you all have a good day/night! 

What I'm wearing:
Skin: Mother Goose's - Lucky Board Skins - Free Lucky Board 
Eyes: IKON - Eternal - Brown
Hair: D!va at Mimi's Choice - Vivienne - Ruby Flower - Group Gift (free to join)
Earrings: Bliensen + MaiTai at the Cart Sale  - Rosa Rosa (Red) - $10L
Dress: coldLogic - Anniversary Celebration - Group Gift (free to Join)

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